Tuesday 16 November 2010

Why do I always start these things?

Okay. I have just started the most ridiculous project ever!
If it works and goes to plan and everyone becomes involved, it will be the best thing I have ever done!! But that is a MASSIVE if. So far it is looking good but I am already getting stressed and worried about it.

I'm not going to say exactly what the project is but it requires input from a lot of people. And so far, even though it is only the first few hours of planning I have had some responses, mostly positive :)

But why do I always start (Try to start) these projects without ever thinking about whether they will work or not. I know why, because I have to.

I have to be working on a project. If not I feel like I am doing nothing and now that I have failed NaNoWriMo, this is my new project. It may however be short lived and replaced by another crazy scheme afterwards.

Just gotta hope it all works out....


Tuesday 9 November 2010

The Highs and Lows of Dean Houston

Welcome to me new 'all grown up' style blog.

Looks more adult doesn't it, no I don't mean adult in that way.

The last time we spoke I was in a very bad place and was rather negative about everything. Since then, life has taken an unexpected rocket launch upwards. The main reason for that is several awesome people who i will talk about later on. But for now, more about this new look.

It's very green, right? I like green so I made it green. It looks more uncluttered and nicer I think. It has a more up market look to it but don't worry. The content is going to be coming from me, so it will still be childish. As for the name, I spent a while thinking about it and it just sounds like my life. The only time I ever blog is during a high or low in my life so why not name the blog after that :D

I will be blogging bout those people I spoke about earlier in this post seperatly over the next while. So while I summarise my love for a special little group, why not see what i have been up to in te break...

Saturday 25 September 2010

The End of Daily Video Week and an Announcement

Before continuing to read. Make sure you have watched the video below....

So Yeah. I'm going to be coming back every Monday-Friday in a new series of videos called 'Daily Deano858'

I will be explaining the rules, outline and basic point of the whole thing on Monday so keep your eyes on youtube.

The moderator module will be added after that video on Monday

So, till the start f next week, I have an intro to film and some stuff to plan.

I will see you on Monday for the start of 'Daily Deano858'



Monday 20 September 2010

Daily Video Week!!! (20th - 24th September 2010)

This week is Daily Video week for me and therefore I will posting a video everyday this week.

This is only the weekdays as the first video explains. Although I will make a video on Saturday for DDoE.

I plan to make 5 different videos. The first of which will be posted later tonight/tomorrow. The first will be my usual vlog but the other four will be very different. The videos will also feature some special guests in the form of James, Hannah and maybe Luke (not confirmed yet)

I need one more special guest for the Friday video but I'll figure that out as the week goes on.

I hope you enjoy the week and the different videos I'll be making.



Friday 17 September 2010


Feeling the same. Making a video tomorrow for DDoE.

Time hates me....


Wednesday 15 September 2010

Oh Shit. Here comes the future...

Only start reading if you are in for the long haul. This post is long, rambling and thought-filled. And 100% me....

I haven't posted in a while and right now I am in more of a confused and complicated place than I have ever been in during my life. There is one main reason for that, one which is at the forefront of my mind for 23 hours of the day (I take 1 hour for other stuff xD) and that is UNIVERSITY! So on my mind that it has to be in caps when I type it! With the following sentences ending in exclamation marks!!!!!!

Yes University. I have to try and choose which courses to go on, at which university, why I want to go there and be sure that these decisions are going to be the right ones for me as they are going to change the rest of my life. All of these life changing decisions have to be made by me, without seeing any of the universities and by next Friday. NEXT FRIDAY! And that alone is melting the very atoms of my brain by the second. Soon enough my head will be hollow and the brain melting stress will have to move onto the next vital organ.

So yeah. Those decisions need to be made. Soon.

But even with that set aside for the one hour of the day I am not thinking about it, a million other things rush into the tight space known as my conscious mind.

Some of the million things include:
  1. How am I nearly 18 already?
  2. I'm not ready to be 18!
  3. Can I not reverse my age?
  4. What will I do for money if I fail my exams?
  5. What do I do for my 18th?
  6. Why am I such a twat?
  7. What is the meaning of life?
  8. The Game! FUCK!
  9. Ha ha, you just lost the game.
  10. Wonder what we are having for dinner?
  11. When will my EMA start?
  12. I need a haircut.
  13. I need to sort my face out.
  14. I need to dye my hair again.
  15. Why does YouTube hate me?
  16. Where am I going wring?
  17. Is it Saturday?
  18. If it is Saturday. Crap, need to make a video fore DDoE
  19. Where has this year gone?
  20. How am I doing on 365 days in 20 ways
Abd on and on and on and on. These then repeat 'till my head bursts and my now atomised brain spurts in all directions.

But seriously. My life is pretty screwy right now. From a personal side I have some family stuff that is just crap really. I have all the above problems and 999 980 more to deal with. And some of them just seem massive in my head and scare me to death. Slowly I am starting to realise what is happening to me. I'm growing up. And not just in the literal way, like age and height but really growing up. I'm worrying about money and Uni and work and living and just adults stuff. (No, not that kind of adult stuff) and it genuinly terrifies me. I'm gonna be an adult soon. I don't want to be one.

You would think after 18 years of prep I would have realised this. But it turns out i thought I was Peter Pan and would never grow up. Reality is now hitting me hard in the face, with a shovel.

So. My current metal state is fucking terrfied of the future.
Uni is fast approaching and I don't even know if I want to be there. And the older I get the less I am starting to like the person i am becoming but whenever I try to change it, I can't. Maybe I will always be like this or maybe it takes this fear and terror to change me into a better person. Into a better man?

Maybe I'll find out. But for right now. The world is whizzing past me at a million miles per hour and I feel like i'm being left behind....

See you all soon.


Sunday 12 September 2010


What if Deano858 changed completely?
No more vlogs. No more 'same camera angle', less talking.



Sunday 15 August 2010


Here is the story of yesterday, 14th August 2010.

Me and James got up nice and early at 6am and got on a train to that there London town!
I had hardly had any sleep the night before so i was super tired and not in a great mood for the journey.
But we started talking to two girls who sat by us on the train and they were nice. The one girl, sorry I have forgot your name, took James' and my blogs so may be reading this now? But we got off the train at Euston and tried to get to the London eye to see if the 10am gathering. Let's just say that we went a little off direction and ended up in Covent garden where we went into the biggest apple store in the world and was amazed. IT IS HUGE AND FREAKING BRILLIANT!
Walking then ensued as we wandered the street of London before the signing event at Waterstones which started on the afternoon.
After lots of walking and tube stops we were at the Waterstone where all the people with tickets (i.e. not us) went upstairs to waot for the signing for John Green. As we were about to leave we saw not one, not two, but three 'famous' youtubers. One is Hannah, one is Rosianna and the last one. JOHN GREEN! Yes John green simply stepped out of the lift and was standing in front of me! I became a fanboy again instantly!
He was much smalle rin real life than i thought he would be and he had a deeper and more american sounding voice than I thought he would but nevertheless just as awesome.
We were then told that we had to wait a while but we would be allowed to go to the signingand so we waited.....
After more queing we met John and we signed my books. James spoke to him about football and he liked my 'buttons' (Badges). So I was happy, excited and not tired anymore.
Then we went along to the gig at Ice Father Nation where Alex day, Tom Milsom and Edd Plant played music and John green read from his book and was just an all round genius.
I will talk more about the gig tomorrow in my vlog as that was really the highlight and needs to be discussed in video :D

I go away soon and this has made my summer so far. Pictures, videos, vlogs and recordings all to come soon.

*P.S. Check out 365 days in 20 ways list. It has been markd off :D*


Friday 13 August 2010

Ideas but no videos

This is a problem I have had a lot recently. I have lots of ideas for new videos but because I just think of them while watching Tv or out somewhere I never have the incentive to do them straight away and therefore they just don't get done and I just always wonder whether they would have been any good and whether people would have liked them. I have came up with two ideas today and really want to get at least one of them up before I go away on the 22nd. I will probably make a video next week about tomorrow night and that will be all right and maybe watched a few time because it will be a about the gig and people will watch because of that and not me. Then I wan to do one of my other ideas that I have come up with today and maybe the other after I get in between my new collab channel which I will have to post on weekly.

There is a point to this blog post.

The point is I need ideas that people will like and therefore I have created a moderator module on my channel where you can submit your ideas to me for videos. I hope you do and the next time I post. I will have lots to talk about...